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人气浏览: (2921) 发布时间: [2019-03-07]

        BSCI验厂之家创思维分享,从 2012 年 9 月起,BSCI 开始推行新的数据平台,要求创建工厂 ID、发起审核申请、通过客户授权、安排审核、完成报告和查看报告均需通过数据平台进行,确保了报告安全性的同时,BSCI 成员/工厂也可以随时通过数据平台查看审核进程和已完成的审核报告,更方便快捷。
        为了帮助大家有效查询报告,SGS 供应链评审服务部编写了该指南,涵盖如何登陆数据平台查询报告,常见的操作步骤,及最终评分等,仅供参考。
        2013 SGS,版权所有。本刊所有内容,除注明同意授权 SGS 使用的第三方内容外,版权均属 SGS 所有。前述第三方内容,不代表 SGS 观点。本刊仅为 SGS 就所涉及专题提供技术性信息,而非对此类专题的详尽表述。本刊仅限参考使用,不取代任何法律规定或适用规章;亦不构成任何咨询或专业建议。所述信息均按原样提供,SGS 不担保该等信息准确无误或满足任何特定的业绩或质量标准。非经 SGS 事先书面授权,禁止引用或引证本刊内任何信息。对本刊内容或外观的任何未经授权的变更、伪造、窜改均属非法,违反者将追究其法律责任。
        About the Guide
        Starting from Sep, 2012, BSCI has launched a new IT platform. The new platform allows audit report uploading, sharing of information, which can help reducing audit time, and mitigate the workload of the producer. Also BSCI member / factory could log in with its own account and password to check the report.
        To help you check the report effectively, SGS Supply Chain Assessments & Solutions (SAS) has written the guide, it covers how to view a BSCI report in system, common operating steps and the total score for your reference only.

        ©2013 SGS. All rights reserved. Information contained herein is of general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. We endeavor to provide accurate and timely information, but no legal responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or misleading statements. No one should act on such information without appropriate professional advice.



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