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WCA – 审核文件清单-商业实践(双语)
Please prepare the ORIGINAL documentation listed below for audit/verification.
1. General Information(基本信息)
1.1 Business Registration/License including business license of facility, labor agency (If applicable) and hazardous waste treatment supplier (If applicable).
1.2 Authorization document of management representative for social compliance management including EHS and labor management
1.3 List of all subcontractors (if applicable)
1.4 List of all External Service Provider (If applicable)
1.4 所有外部服务提供商列表(如适用)。
2. Labor
2.1 Facility regulation or employee handbook, in regard to the following areas
2.1 厂规或员工手册,包括以下方面。
2.1.1 Recruitment policy/procedure
2.1.2 Disciplinary policy/procedure and its records
2.1.2 纪律处分程序。
2.1.3 Related training records of policy/procedure in social management system
2.1.3 社会责任管理体系相关政策程序培训记录。
2.2 Employment / Labor contracts or Equivalent job description in the absence of contractual law.
2.2 劳动合同或在没有合同法的情况下同等的工作描述。
2.3 Union or employee representative committee procedure/records
2.3 工会或员工代表委员会程序/记录。
2.4 Collective bargaining agreement (if applicable)
2.4 集体谈判协议(如适用)。
2.5 Employee Roster and Personnel records include resignation records, Young worker resignation and health examination (if applicable)
2.5 人事花名册及个人档案包括离职记录,未成年工登记及体检记录(如适用)。
2.6 Foreign employees work permits and approval letter from government (if applicable)
2.6 外籍员工许可证和政府批文(如适用)。
2.7 Agency workers agreement (if applicable)
2.7 中介工人协议(如适用)。
2.8 Records related to Recruitment fee including records of workers’ recruitment fee, records of factory’s reimbursement to recruitment fee charged to workers (If applicable).
2.8 与招聘费有关的记录,包括工人招聘费记录、工厂向工人收取的招聘费报销记录(如适用)。
2.9 Dispatched employees’ personal files with ID Card Copy, Labor Contract or equivalent job description in the absence of contractual law
2.9 劳务派遣工人的个人档案,包括身份证复印件和劳动合同或在没有合同法的情况下同等的工作描述。
3. Wages & Hour
3. (工资和工时)
3.1 Payroll records (recent 12 months) of all current and former employees including temporary employees, dispatch employees, etc.
3.1 所有工人过去 12 个月的工资记录,包括临时工和劳务派遣工。
3.1.1 Payroll register with employee signature (if wages paid in cash)
3.1.1 有员工本人签名的工资表(现金发放)。
3.1.2 Bank statement corresponding to payroll register (if wages paid by bank deposit)
3.1.2 银行工资转账回单(银行卡发放)。
3.2 Time card / Attendance records (recent 12 months) of all current employees and former employees including temporary employees, dispatch employees, etc.
3.2 所有工人过去 12 个月的考勤记录,包括临时工和劳务派遣工。
3.3 Production records (tickets/sheet) (recent 12 months) (if applicable)
3.3 生产记录(过去 12 个月,如适用)。
3.4 Local minimum wage standard (if applicable) and/or Government Labor Law notice (if applicable)
3.4 当地政府最低工资标准文件或政府通知书(如适用)。
3.5 Special waivers from local government regarding working hours arrangement (if applicable)
3.5 当地政府就工作时间的特殊批文(如适用)。
3.6 Wages / Working hour Policy/Procedure and related training records
3.6 工资工时政策程序及培训记录。
3.7 Employees’ social insurance receipt (Last 12 months), name list and certificate of social insurance (if applicable) of all employees.
3.7社会保险收据 (过去十二个月),参保人员花名册和社会保险合格证明文件(如适用)。
4. Health & Safety (NOT Applicable for WCA Human Rights Audit)
4. 健康安全(不适用于 WCA 人权审核)
4.1 Procedure for protecting pregnant women (e.g. non-hazardous or lighter work, extended breaks, etc.)
4.1 怀孕女工保护程序(包括非有毒有害和低体力劳动强度工作,延长休息时间等)。
4.2 Fire safety inspection / certificates and building permit for facility / dormitory buildings
4.2 厂房和宿舍的消防验收合格证明或消防备案及建筑竣工验收报告或备案。
4.3 Rent or lease contract (applicable if facility is rented or leased)
4.3 厂房租赁协议(如果厂房是租赁使用的)。
4.4 Facility building layout/evacuation plan
4.4 厂房平面图/疏散图。
4.5 Overall emergency procedure and its records including Fire drill records, emergency drill records for chemical management
4.5 应急处置程序和记录,包括消防演习记录,化学品应急演习记录。
4.6 Certificate & Training Records of legal required Fire Fighting team.
4.6 企业消防队的证书或培训记录(如法规有要求)。
4.7 Work-related accident/injury procedure and its records
4.7 工伤事故程序及工伤记录等。
4.8 Occupational hazards factors report (if applicable) and Occupation health examination report (if applicable)
4.8 职业危害因素检测报告(如适用)和职业病体检报告(如适用)。
4.9 List of main production machine types and total number of machines (if applicable)
4.9 主要设备清单和所有设备数量(如适用)。
4.10 List of all chemicals used and/or stored, corresponding MSDS and any relevant procedures/records related to chemical use/storage such as hazardous chemical emergency response plan and records
4.10所有使用和储存的化学危险品清单,相应的 MSDS 程序和记录,和危险化学品应急处理计划和记录。
4.11 Health and safety program and training records
4.11 健康安全程序及培训记录。
4.12(厨房)食品经营许可证 (原餐饮服务许可证)及厨工健康证。
4.13 Certificates/Permit/Licenses related to Special appliances and its operator, special operations license (Such as electrician).
4.13特种设备登记检验和特种设备操作工、特种作业工人上岗证(如: 电工等)。
5. Management system
5. (管理体系)
5.1 Written social compliance policy and relevant procedures and records, and related training records to all employees.
6. Environment (NOT Applicable for WCA Human Rights Audit)
6. 环境保护(不适用于 WCA 人权审核)
6.1 Environmental management program/procedure and certificate such as ISO 14000 (If applicable)
6.1 环境管理程序和证书比如ISO14001证书(如适用)。
6.2 Environmental certificates/Permits and documents (if applicable) such as Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) related documents, Acceptance check of environmental protection of Construction Projects, pollution emission permit, permit for removal/idle of pollution treatment facility and etc.
6.2 环境证书及许可文件(如适用),比如环境影响评价相关文件(环境影响报告书、环境影响报告表或者环境影响登记表),环评批复/登记,环境保护及建设项目竣工验收报告,排污许可证、污染处理设施拆除/闲置许可。
6.3 Non-hazardous/Hazardous waste disposal records, Testing records for waste water and waste air (if applicable).
6.3 无害/有害废物处置记录、废水和废气测试记录(如适用),危险废物处置单位的营业执照和经营许可证,危险废物处理合同,危险废物转移联单,危险废物跨省转移批复(如适用)等 。
7. Business Practice (Only Applicable for WCA- BP Audit)
7. 商业实践 (仅适用于 WCA-BP 审核)
7.1 Any written policy or process that governs company and employee business practices. e.g. business integrity & anti-corruption, fair competition (optional if Business Practice module is applicable in the assessment) and data protection (optional if Business Practice module is applicable in the assessment),including (but not limited) to the following:
7.1 任何书面政策或程序去规范公司和员工的商业道德规范。例如诚信经营和反腐败,公平竞争 (适用于 WCA-BP 审核),资料保护(适用于 WCA-BP 审核), 包括(但不限于)以下内容:
7.1.1 Job Description (JD) of the assigned responsible managers for the management of Bribery at the Company.
7.1.1 指定负责处理贿赂的管理人员的岗位描述。
7.1.2 Written ethical/integrity training records
7.1.2 书面的道德/诚信培训记录。
7.1.3 Written bribery policy and what are included. For instance, objective, commitment, definitions of company policy on giving and receiving of gifts, procedure, work instruction, how the policy is externally available.
7.1.4 Procedures for attempted bribery
7.1.4 企图贿赂处理程序
7.1.5 Procedure on how employees are protected from retaliation.
7.1.6 Internal/ external audit reports regarding ethics/ integrity
7.1.6 关于诚信道德内部/外部审核报告。
7.1.7 Employees declaration on conflict of interests
7.1.7 员工申报利益冲突
8. Other
8. (其他)
8.1 Other documents, subject to actual circumstances during the audit and in that specific regions Company is located
8.1 其他文件,根据工厂位于特定区域的实际情况
8.2 Other Local Specific Documents (if applicable), please specify:
8.2 其他地方的文件(如适用),请注明:
8.1.1 Records of Paid Leave and Wage Payment, including Annual Leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, Marriage Leave, Sick Leave, etc. (Last 12 months)
8.1.1 有薪假休假记录及工资发放记录,包括年假、产假、陪产假、婚假、病假等(过去十二个月)
8.1.2 If there are retirees hired to work again, please provide the agreement signed with retiree(s) hired to work again.
8.1.2 聘用退休返聘人员,请提供与其签订的协议
8.1.3 If Intern employed, please provide the list of Intern, Tripartite Agreement signed by the School, the Facility and the Students
8.1.3 聘用实习生,请提供实习生名单,学校、企业和实习生的三方实习协议
8.1.4 If security, clearing, cooking are subcontracted, please provide Service Contract, Personal Files with ID Card Copy, Labor Contracts
8.1.4 如果保安、清洁、食堂等外包,请提供外包服务合同。
8.1.5 Training Certificate(s)/Records for First Aider(s)
8.1.5 急救员证书或培训记录
8.1.5 Training Record / Certificate of Safety Production Knowledge and Management Skill for the Principal in Charge; Training Records / Certificates of Safety Production Knowledge and Management Skill for Persons Responsible for the Management of Work Safety in the Facility
8.1.6 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Documents, EIA Approval, Acceptance Check of Environmental Protection, Safety Permit or Exemption Certificate of Radioactive Equipment (if applicable)
8.1.6 辐射设备环境影响评价文件,环评批复,环境竣工验收报告,辐射设备安全许可证或豁免证明(如适用)
The above are suggested general documents which would be requested for review during assessment, auditors have the right to request to review other documents not included in the above list, if auditors have reasonable grounds to believe other unlisted documents are related to the assessment.
注:以上是 WCA 审核要求的一般文件,如果审核人员有合理理由相信其他文件与 WCA 审核有密切关系,审核人员有权要求查阅其他不在上述清单内的文件。
便捷链接:飞利浦验厂华星光电验厂麦当劳TargetHBI验厂WalgreenCCC认证CCC验厂NEXT验厂ISO50001ISO50001认证Costco验厂RCS认证GMPCNBCU验厂电子烟认证全球有机纺织品标准GOTS标准Inditex验厂SA8000认证咨询ESD认证ESD杰西潘尼验厂Jcpenney验厂GRS认证咨询GOTS认证FSMA认证FSMAGAP验厂BRC认证CHICO’S验厂迪士尼验厂PVH验厂Lowe's验厂劳氏验厂ICS验厂Primark验厂Walgreen验厂Argos验厂审厂小米验厂WRAPWCACOCGMP认证创思维验厂之家网ICTI认证ICTI验厂ICTIAEOAEO认证SLCPFSC认证FSCHuawei验厂华为验厂APPLE验厂苹果验厂验厂BSCI认证BSCIEICC验厂GRS认证EICCRBA验厂RBA认证咨询RBA沃尔玛验厂WalMart验厂ISO9000ISO9001认证咨询ISO9001Sedex认证SMETA验厂SEDEX验厂ISO14001BSCI验厂 WRAP认证咨询TCCC可口可乐验厂EICC验厂Wal-Mart沃尔玛验厂 Disney验厂
本文来源:验厂之家网 - WCA验厂介绍,WCA验厂审核清单-商业实践(双语)